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How is IMAGYST different from other parasite detection methods?

IMAGYST applies a deep-learning object-detection algorithm that automatically learns the most differentiating features between classes of eggs, allowing the algorithm to perceive and distinguish the morphology of parasite eggs from other objects on faecal flotation slides.1

The IMAGYST deep-learning system is also robust because it can learn to ignore the features that can flaw computer classification.1

Why is an advanced system like IMAGYST needed for faecal flotation testing?

Due to the busy nature of veterinary practices and the complexity of microscopic examinations of faecal slides, it’s possible that staff may conduct the analysis incorrectly.

In fact, faecal flotation examinations performed in private practice could be missing up to half of infected dogs because of either technician error or inherent limitations to the passive flotation technique.2

What components are included with the IMAGYST system?

The IMAGYST system consists of three components: sample preparation, scanning of the sample by Whole Slide Imaging (WSI) and analysis performed by a cloud-based, deep-learning algorithm that locates, classifies and identifies parasite eggs and cysts found on faecal microscopic slides.1

The IMAGYST system sample preparation device includes a specialised faecal preparation device that uses centrifugal flotation and includes a transfer loop for easy transfer of the sample to a microscope slide.1

Why was IMAGYST verified?

The verification was performed to evaluate the diagnostic performance of IMAGYST to correctly identify internal parasite eggs and cysts in faeces of naturally infected dogs and cats, compared to a manual identification by a parasitologist.

A secondary objective was to compare the performance of the IMAGYST sample preparation methods to standard reference methods of centrifugal and passive faecal flotation.

The IMAGYST difference

How does the diagnostic performance of IMAGYST compare to traditional methods?

In two studies, the algorithm performance of IMAGYST closely matches that of an expert board-certified parasitologist, with the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the comparison ranging between 75.8%-100% and 80.4%-100%, respectively, across six genera/family of parasites: Ancylostoma, Toxocara, Trichuris, Cystoisospora and Giardia.1,3

Passive flotation chart
Which/how many parasite eggs can IMAGYST identify? How will this change over time?

At this time, IMAGYST can detect: Ancylostoma (hookworm) in dogs and cats, Toxocara (roundworm) in dogs and cats, Trichuris (whipworm) in dogs, Taenia (tapeworm) in dogs and cats, Cystoisosopora (intestinal disease) in dogs and cats, and Giardia in dogs and cats.1,3

The deep-learning nature of the IMAGYST algorithms will allow for evolution and increased functionality over time. With more trainings, the algorithm will be able to classify additional parasites.1,3

What is the turnaround time for results?

The workflow which combined image analysis performed by a deep-learning objective detection algorithm with the specialised faecal sample preparations provided a faecal examination result with images within 15-20 minutes.1

The sample preparation time using the IMAGYST faecal preparation device is approximately 3.5 minutes, with a 2-minute centrifugal incubation time.1

How is the IMAGYST faecal preparation device different from traditional sample preparation methods?

The IMAGYST faecal preparation device is an innovative self-contained faecal parasite concentrator that allows for clean and efficient sample recovery.1

The IMAGYST faecal preparation device offers health and safety benefits to veterinary staff, with the only closed system with prefilled tubes all in a single-use device to eliminate cross contamination.1

In two studies, the performance of the IMAGYST specialised faecal preparation device was analysed. The egg, cyst and oocyst recovery performance of the IMAGYST preparation device with centrifugation was compared to recovery performance of a conventional centrifugal flotation reference method. All samples were read by an expert board-certified parasitologist.1,3

In the first study, agreement (defined as the number of true positives and true negatives divided by the total number of samples) between the two methods was 94.5%.1 In the second study, agreement between the two methods was 94.3%.3

Centrifugal chart

Practice Integration

What benefits can IMAGYST bring to my practice?

The IMAGYST system was developed to provide a simple, easy and systematised faecal examination that is less influenced by level of expertise or experience of an examiner. IMAGYST captures and stores images, which allows for easy image recall for trending of patient results.1

The IMAGYST system can also bring value to customers. Pet owners can see the images on the final report, adding value not typically available with current faecal testing methods. The images can make the results more tangible and provide an opportunity for excellent communication from the veterinarian. This may, in turn, lead to improved compliance by pet owners.

What capabilities does my practice need to support IMAGYST?

A high-speed Internet connection is needed to best experience the benefits of IMAGYST.

IMAGYST is compatible with select PIMS systems. Contact your Zoetis representative for the full list.

Inquire about VETSCAN IMAGYST for your practice today


References: 1. Nagamori Y, Sedlak RH, DeRosa A, et al. Evaluation of the VETSCAN IMAGYST: an in‑clinic canine and feline fecal parasite detection system integrated with a deep learning algorithm. Parasites Vectors. 2020;13:346. doi:10.1186/s13071-020-04215-x. 2. Gates MC, Nolan TJ. Comparison of passive fecal flotation run by veterinary students to zinc-sulfate centrifugation flotation run in a diagnostic parasitology laboratory. J Parasitol. 2009;95(5):1213-1214. doi:10.1645/GE-2058.1. 3. Data of file, Study Report No. D870R-US-19-008, 2020, Zoetis Inc.

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